Our Worship Times
Azle - 1313 SE Parkway
Sunday 9:30 am Traditional Worship
Sunday 11:00 am Contemporary Worship
1st Saturday 7:00 pm Serenity Recovery Service
2nd Saturday 4:00 pm Special Needs Service
Lake Worth - 3980 Boat Club Road, #117
Sunday 10:30 am Praise & Worship
1st Monday 7:00 pm Young Adults Svc
Azle - 1313 SE Parkway
Sunday 9:30 am Traditional Worship
Sunday 11:00 am Contemporary Worship
1st Saturday 7:00 pm Serenity Recovery Service
2nd Saturday 4:00 pm Special Needs Service
Lake Worth - 3980 Boat Club Road, #117
Sunday 10:30 am Praise & Worship
1st Monday 7:00 pm Young Adults Svc
The Edge mission is to love God, serve others, and share Jesus
We are a local body of believers sharing the healing touch of Jesus through intentional hospitality and compassion. There are three primary expressions of our vision. First, our coffeehouse provides a place where people are able to enjoy coffee together, while experiencing and interacting with God's people. Second, our communities do life together and share hospitality and compassion through relationships and events. Finally, our congregation provides the structure and resources to facilitate gathering for worship and the leadership necessary for a global impact.
Our Character Centerpieces
What we believe
We are a local body of believers sharing the healing touch of Jesus through intentional hospitality and compassion. There are three primary expressions of our vision. First, our coffeehouse provides a place where people are able to enjoy coffee together, while experiencing and interacting with God's people. Second, our communities do life together and share hospitality and compassion through relationships and events. Finally, our congregation provides the structure and resources to facilitate gathering for worship and the leadership necessary for a global impact.
Our Character Centerpieces
- Excellence - We approach each detail in a manner that pushes towards the highest quality available.
- Genuineness - We make the conscious choice to never put on a facade. We approach people with authenticity.
- Generosity - We value the time, resources, and needs of others above ourselves.
- Creativity - We choose to bring outside-the-box thinking into all situations; looking to create Kingdom order in areas of chaos.
What we believe
- We are a congregation of the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod
- We believe that Jesus Christ is our personal Lord and Savior.
- We believe that all of the Old and New Testaments are the inspired and inerrant Word of God.
- We believe we are saved by grace (it's God's free gift) through faith alone (and not by our works).
- We believe Jesus was truly human and was the Son of God.
- We believe that there is one God who is the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
- We believe and confess the three universal creeds of the Christian faith.
- We believe that Baptism and the Lord's Supper are sacred rites that God uses to offer us His grace.