A Time Like No Other - Episode 1 (John)
Episode 1 of A Time Like No Other features John Sandfort playing the role of John the Apostle. In Luke 22:8-13, Jesus asks John and Peter to go to Jerusalem and locate a certain man in whose home they would celebrate the Passover. This is the most lighthearted of the episodes, as we took the attitude that the disciples were not yet understanding the gravity of their visit to Jerusalem. We also rather liked playing on what is traditionally thought to be a competitive spirit between John and Simon Peter. John all but confirms this competitiveness in his Gospel account, when he boasts of outrunning Peter to the tomb on Easter morning (John 20:4). This episode concludes with John spying Peter arriving through the city gate and hustling away to find the certain man. We had access to some audio files Pastor Steve produced years ago. The music playing in the background is from "Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing" - LSB 686.